5 Common-Essential Footwear's for Girls & Boys

 Hey Everyone!

         I hope you’ all are doing well. I am back with something different today. When we talk about fashion its all about upgrading us in a different way, also the main factor over here is, its not all about clothing but it also includes Accessories, Bottom wear, Top wear, Footwear, Body posture/gesture, Makeup and lastly Hairstyle. So this blog I have come up with is about Footwear!. Yes! the footwear is something that usually come after clothing from my point of view. Because once we  all dressed up, one thing that come’s in our mind is “What footwear should I wear now?” For girls it can be a variety of them to choose and same goes with boys. Some people love doing footwear collection, it can be the collection of brands or the types or the color etc. But all we want is a right footwear to go with our outfit.

       To be very honest i never had a close look towards my footwear as I was unaware about the types or I never thought to take footwear with different colors. I was a girl who always ended up shopping something in "black" as it was the only color that used to attract me. But as I grew I came to know the types, the names, different colors that exist and brands. When I started developing interest in fashion ultimately my vision for everything changed. So here are the basic footwear’s that one should own and probably shop for. I am not including any brands because if I would than probably there will be a countless number, but yes I will include the types of essential footwear that would definitely help you.


5 Common/ Essential Footwear’s for Girls & Boys:


For Boys


Slider is a common footwear which we use in day to day life. It is something that makes us feel super light & comfy also it comes with attractive designs. A slider can be made from any type of material it can be leather, synthetic or a fabric.   

                                                                                                                                                                 For Girls      



For Boys                                                                             

I believe this is everyone’s favorite. Sneakers have become a trend these days. We used to see them or we used to wear them whenever a sport took place or if we are doing any exercise outdoors. But now a days it has evolved and involved so much in to our life’s that they are being looked up as “everyday shoe or noiseless rubber soles, perfect for sneaking.”
                                                                                                                                                                 For Girls      


Formals/Neutral (Oxford type of formals for boys)

For Boys                          

Formal shoe or formal footwear is obviously used for mostly formal occasions, it maybe a interview or meetings etc. Formal shoes are mostly formed in a way that one should look presentable not a overbearing person. They are compact and sleek in shape.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   For Girls      



For Boys                         

Boots are considered as a smooth footwear and as it gives a casual and a comfort look to ourself and compliments our body. Mostly boots are made of leather material which enhances the look from formal outfit to jeans and tee’s(t-shirt). It has been considered one of the go to footwear for all of these years.    
                                                                                                                                                                       For Girls



For Boys

Loafers are something people prefer wearing as a change to their daily looks. They enhances a blazer look, or formal or casual look.  Loafers are preppy, minimalist, and trendy. They are usually made from fabric or leather. When made out of leather, loafers serve as a good pair of dress shoes, and those made of fabric can be for smart casual wear.


"Wedge Heels"

For Girls

Wedges are generally considered as casual footwear but sometimes also considered as a formal footwear. A benefit I herd about this footwear relieves pressure and soreness from heels and feet. I agree with this because mostly I tried wearing this heels most of the time and it does feel comfortable. Although, as there is no gap between the sole and the heel, the larger surface area offers more stability, so, more comfort.







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