How to Define your Signature Style!
Hey There! Hope you all are doing good. It took a long time span for me to get over my blogs all again. These past days were rough and hectic for me to gain more attention towards composing a blog .However a good motivation and self belief brought me back to this. Let’s start with a new blog which I have come up is “How to define your signature style”, yes we all have a signature style within us but sometime we are pretty confused to recognize it. Let me preface this by saying that defining your look is something that happens over time . Defining or finding out our signature style is a lengthy process of discovery. But when you get to know or when you identify what makes you comfortable, what makes you look great, that’s when you are able to pinpoint your perfect look. It frees you from the constant back and forth between what to wear and what to buy because you’ll immediately know if an item of clothing or a particular shoe fits i...